Rotolo, D., Natalicchio, A., Porter, A.L., Schoeneck, D.J. (2025, in press), Emerging technologies, institutional groups and inter-organizational networks: The case of microneedles. Technological Forecasting & Social Change.
Hicks, H., Kingsley, G., Isett, KR (2025) Steering the Future: Expert Knowledge and Stakeholder Voices in Autonomous Vehicle Policy Reports, Policy and Society.
Isett, KR, Hicks, D. Kingsley,G. (2025) Where you sit determines where you stand: Differential use of evidence in State level policy processes, a bibliometric analysis, forthcoming in Public Management Research.
Bordoloi. T., Shapira, P., Mativenga, P. Industrial policy initiatives in manufacturing: Examining cross-country interventions through an evolutionary typology of technology systems, Science and Public Policy, 2024, 51, 4, 823-835. [Open Access]
Dobre, S., Herbert R. & Hicks, D. (2024) Trade literature provides a path from research to practice. Research Evaluation, 33, 1-12,
Holland C, McCarthy A, Ferri P, and Shapira P. Innovation intermediaries at the convergence of digital technologies, sustainability, and governance: A case study of AI-enabled engineering biology. Technovation, 2024, 129, January, 102875 [Open Access]
Holland, C., Shapira, P. Building the bioeconomy: A targeted assessment approach to identifying biobased technologies, challenges and opportunities. Preprint: bioRxiv 2023.08.28.554388 (August 29, 2023). Peer reviewed: Engineering Biology, 2024, 8(1), 1-15, (February 2, 2024). [Open Access]
Marullo C, Shapira, P, DiMinin A, Enhancing SME innovation across European regions: Success factors in EU-funded open innovation networks. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, 201, 123207. [Open Access]
Hicks, D. (2023). Seeing impact: genres referencing journal articles. Profesional de La Información, 32(2), 1699–2407.
Kadyrova A, and Shapira P. Microfoundations of dynamic capabilities for social innovations in small non-profit organisations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 2023. [Open Access]
Lepori, B., Jongbloed, B. W. A., & Hicks, D. (2023). Handbook of Public Funding of Research (B. Lepori, B. Jongbloed, & D. Hicks, Eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Pelaez, S., Verma, G., Ribeiro, B., & Shapira, P. (2023). Large-Scale Text Analysis Using Generative Language Models: A Case Study in Discovering Public Value Expressions in AI Patents. Preprint: arXiv:2305.10383; Peer reviewed: Quantitative Science Studies, 2024, (February 1, 2024). [Open Access]
Porter, A. L., Markley, M., & Newman, N. (2023). The long COVID research literature. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 8, 1149091.
Ribeiro, B., Meckin, R., Balmer, A., & Shapira, P. (2023). The digitalisation paradox of everyday scientific labour: How mundane knowledge work is amplified and diversified in the biosciences. Research Policy, 52(1), 104607.
Watkins, A., McCarthy, A., Holland, C., and Shapira, P. Public biofoundries as innovation intermediaries: the integration of translation, sustainability, and responsibility. J Technology Transfer, 2023, November. [Open Access]
Wu, M., Zhang, Y., Markley, M., Cassidy, C., Newman, N., & Porter, A. (2023b). COVID-19 knowledge deconstruction and retrieval: an intelligent bibliometric solution. Scientometrics.
Youtie, J., Ward, R., Shapira, P., Schillo, R. S., & Louise Earl, E. (2023). Exploring New approaches to understanding innovation ecosystems. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 35(3), 255–269.
Bordoloi, T., Shapira, P., & Mativenga, P. (2022). Policy interactions with research trajectories: The case of cyber-physical convergence in manufacturing and industrials. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175, 121347.
Hicks, D., Zullo, M., Doshi, A., & Asensio, O. I. (2022). Widespread use of National Academies consensus reports by the American public. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(9), e2107760119.
Huang, Y., Li, R., Zou, F., Jiang, L., Porter, A. L., & Zhang, L. (2022). Technology life cycle analysis: From the dynamic perspective of patent citation networks. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 181, 121760.
Huang, Y., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Chiavetta, D., & Porter, A. L. (2022). “Big data” driven tech mining and ST&I management: an introduction. Scientometrics, 127(9), 5227–5231.
Kwon, S., Youtie, J., Porter, A., & Newman, N. (2022). How does regulatory uncertainty shape the innovation process? Evidence from the case of nanomedicine. Journal of Technology Transfer, 1–41.
Pelaez, S., Youtie, J., & Shapira, P. (2022). Analyzing research outcomes and spillovers at a US nanotechnology user facility. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 24(12), 1–15.
Porter, A. L. (2022). Profile of states of USA: Nanotechnology research emergence. Global Tech Mining Conference.
Rotolo, D., Natalicchio, A., Porter, A., & Schoeneck, D. J. (2022). The Emergence of Inter-organisational Networks in Emerging Technologies: The Case of Microneedles. Global Tech Mining Conference.
Salehi, F., Shapira, P., & Zolkiewski, J. (2022). Commercialization networks in emerging technologies: the case of UK nanotechnology small and midsize enterprises. Journal of Technology Transfer, 1–29.
Zhang, Y., Huang, Y., Chiavetta, D., & Porter, A. L. (2022). An introduction of advanced tech mining: Technical emergence indicators and measurements. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 182, 121855.
Youtie, Jan, Ward, Robert, Shapira, Philip Porter, Alan L., Newman, Nils (2021). Corporate engagement with nanotechnology through research publications. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 10.1007/s11051-021-05195-4
Bozeman, B. Youtie, J., Jung, J. (2020). Robotic Bureaucracy and Administrative Burden: What Are the Effects of Universities’ Computer Automated Research Grants Management Systems? Research Policy 49(6).
Burmaoglu, S. and Sartanaer, O. and Porter, A.L. and Li, M. “Analysing the theoretical roots of technology emergence: an evolutionary perspective” Scientometrics an international journal for all quantative aspects of the science of science and science policy , v.119 , 2020
Hicks, D. (2020) An superb example of policy evaluation, book review of Poul Erik Mouritzen and Niels Opstrup, Performance Management at Universities: The Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator at Work, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, Research Evaluation, DOI: 10.1093/reseval/rvaa009.
Hicks, D., Holbrook B. (2020) A cartography of philosophy’s engagement with society, Minerva 58(1), 25-45, DOI: 10.1007/s11024-019-09384-3 . Featured on the LSE Impact Blog:
Howell, Emily L., Dietram A. Scheufele, Dominique Brossard, Michael A. Xenos, Seokbeom Kwon, Jan Youtie, and Philip Shapira. Scientists’ and the Public’s Views of Synthetic Biology. In: Trump, B., Cummings, C., Kuzma, J., and Linkov, I. (eds). Synthetic Biology 2020: Frontiers in Risk Analysis and Governance. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. 2020, pp. 371-387.
Huang, Y. Zhu, F., Porter, A.L., Zhang, Y., Zhu, D., and Guo, Y., (2020), Exploring technology evolution pathways to Facilitate Technology Management: From a Technology Life Cycle Perspective, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; PP (99): 1-13; DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2020.2966171
Huang, Ying L. and Zhu, Fujin and Porter, Alan and Zhang, Yi and Zhu, Donghua and Guo, Ying “Exploring Technology Evolution Pathways to Facilitate Technology Management: From a Technology Life Cycle Perspective” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management , 2020 10.1109/TEM.2020.2966171
Isett, K., Hicks, D. (2020) Powerful Numbers: exemplary quantitative studies of science that had policy impact, Quantitative Studies of Science,
Kemp L, Adam L, Boehm CR, Breitling R, Casagrande R, Dando M, Djikeng A, Evans NG, Hammond R, Hills K, Holt LA, Kuiken T, Markotić A, Millett P, Napier JA, Nelson C, hÉigeartaigh SÓ, Osbourn A, Palmer MJ, Patron NJ, Perello E, Piyawattanametha W, Restrepo-Schild V, Rios-Rojas C, Rhodes C, Roessing A, Scott D, Shapira P, Simuntala C, Smith RDJ, Sundaram LS, Takano E, Uttmark G, Wintle BC, Zahra NB, & Sutherland WJ. Bioengineering Horizon Scan 2020. eLife, 2020, 9:e54489
Kostoff, R.N., Briggs, M.B., Porter, A.L., Aschner, M., Spandidos, D.A., and Tsatsakis, A. (2020), COVID-19: Post-lockdown guidelines, International Journal of Molecular Medicine 46, 463-466; DOI: 10.3892/ijmm.2020.4640.
Kwon, Seokbeom and Youtie, Jan and Porter, Alan L “Interdisciplinary knowledge combinations and emerging technological topics: Implications for reducing uncertainties in research evaluation” Research Evaluation , 2020
Leitner, K-H, Poti, M., Wintjes, R., Youtie, J. (2020). How companies respond to growing research costs: Cost control or value creation? International Journal of Technology Management
Liu, X., Porter, A.L. (2020), A 3-dimensional analysis for evaluating technology emergence indicators, Scientometrics 124 (1), 27-55; DOI: 10.1007/s11192-020-03432-6.
Liu, Xiaoyu and Porter, Alan L. “A 3-dimensional analysis for evaluating technology emergence indicators” Scientometrics , v.124 , 2020 10.1007/s11192-020-03432-6
Porter, A.L., Chiavetta, C., Newman, N.C. (2020), Measuring tech emergence: A contest, Technological Forecasting and Social Change 159, 120176;
Ranaei, Samira and Suominen, Arho and Porter, Alan and Carley, Stephen “Evaluating technological emergence using text analytics: two case technologies and three approaches” Scientometrics , v.122 , 2020 10.1007/s11192-019-03275-w
Ribeiro, B, Shapira, P. The private and public values of innovation: a patent analysis of synthetic biology. Research Policy, 2020, 49,1. [Open Access]
Sarin, S., Porter, A., Haon, C., Belkouja, M., Mas-Tur, A., Merigo, J.M., Roig-Tierno, N., Carley, S., and Sego, T.A. (2020), Uncovering the knowledge flows and intellectual structures of research in Technological Forecasting and Social Change: A Journey Through History, Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Zhang, Yi and Porter, Alan L. and Cunningham, Scott and Chiavetta, Denise and Newman, Nils “Parallel or Intersecting Lines? Intelligent Bibliometrics for Investigating the Involvement of Data Science in Policy Analysis” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management , 2020
Zhang, Yi and Wu, Mengjia and Hu, Zhengyin and Ward, Robert and Zhang, Xue and Porter, Alan “Profiling and predicting the problem-solving patterns in China’s research systems: A methodology of intelligent bibliometrics and empirical insights” Quantitative science studies , 2020
Arora, S., Li, Y., Youtie, J., Shapira, P. (2019). Measuring dynamic capabilities in new ventures: exploring strategic change in US green goods manufacturing using website data. Journal of Technology Transfer,
Bozeman, B., Youtie, J. (2019). Robotic Bureaucracy: Administrative Burden and Red Tape in University Research. Public Administration Review. 80(1), 157-162. DOI: 10.1111/puar.13105.
Burmaoglu, S., Porter, A.L., and Sartanaer, O. (2019), Conceptual definition of technology emergence: A long journey from philosophy of science to science policy, Technology in Society 59, 101126
Burmaoglu, S., Sartanaer, O., Porter, A., and Li, M. (2019), Analysing the theoretical roots of technology emergence: an evolutionary perspective, Scientometrics, 119 (1), 97-118.
Burmaoglu, Serhat and Sartenaer, Olivier and Porter, Alan “Conceptual definition of technology emergence: A long journey from philosophy of science to science policy” Technology in Society , v.59 , 2019 10.1016/j.techsoc.2019.04.002
Carley, S. F., Kwon, S., Porter, A. L., Youtie, J. L. (2019), The Relationship between Forward and Backward Diversity in CORE Datasets. Scientometrics 120 (3), 961-974;
Hicks, D., Melkers, J., Barna, J., Isett, K., Gilbert, G.H. (2019). Comparison of the accuracy of CBCT effective radiation dose information in peer-reviewed journals and dental media. General dentistry 67(3), 38-46.
Hicks, D., Melkers, J., Isett, K. (2019) A characterization of professional media and its links to research, Scientometrics, DOI:10.1007/s11192-019-03072-5,
Hicks, D., Melkers, J., Isett, K. (2019). A characterization of professional media and its links to research. Scientometrics 11(2) 827-843.
Huang, Y., Porter, A., Zhang, Y., and Barrangou, R. (2019), Collaborative networks in gene editing, Nature Biotechnology 37, 1107-1109
Huang, Y., Porter, A.L., Zhang, Y., Lian, X., Guo, Y. (2019), An Assessment of Technology Forecasting: Revisiting Earlier Analyses on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs), Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 146: 831-843;
Huang, Ying and Porter, Alan and Zhang, Yi and Barrangou, Rodolphe “Collaborative networks in gene editing” Nature Biotechnology , v.37 , 2019 10.1038/s41587-019-0275-z
Isett, K., Hicks, D. (2019) Pathways from Research into Public Decision Making: Intermediaries as the Third Community, forthcoming in Perspectives on Public Management and Governance
Keisler, J.M., Collier, Z.A., Ayyub, B.M., Dempwolf, S., Gibson, J. M., Porter, A.L., Schweizer, V.J., Thorisson, H., Wang, L., Ye, M., Lambert, J.H., and Linkov, I. (to appear), Modeling and analytics to support emerging international innovation partnerships, IEEE Engineering Management Review 48 (2), 54-64; DOI: 10.1109/EMR.2020.2989391.
Kwon, S,,Liu, X., Porter, A., Youtie, J. (online, 2019), Research Addressing Emerging Technological Ideas Has Greater Scientific Impact, Research Policy, 48 (9)
Kwon, Seokbeom and Liu, Xiaoyu and Porter, Alan L. and Youtie, Jan “Research addressing emerging technological ideas has greater scientific impact” Research Policy , v.48 , 2019 10.1016/j.respol.2019.103834
Li, M., and Porter, A.L. (online), Facilitating the discovery of relevant studies on risk analysis for three-dimensional printing based on an integrated framework, Scientometrics; 114 (1), 277-300; DOI 10.1007/s11192-017-2570-0.
Ma, J., Abrams, N., Porter, A.L., Zhu, D., Farrell, D. (2019). Identifying translational indicators and technology opportunities for nanomedical research using tech mining: The case of gold nanostructures, Technological Forecasting and Social Change; 146: 767-775;
Matthews NE,* Cizauskas CA, Layton DA, Stamford L, Shapira P. Collaborating constructively for sustainable biotechnology. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 19033.[Open Access]
Matthews, N.,* Stamford, L., Shapira, P. Aligning sustainability assessment with responsible research and innovation: Towards a framework for Constructive Sustainability Assessment. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2019, 20, 58-73. [Open Access].
Melkers, J., Hicks, D., Isett, K. R., Kopycka-Kedzierawski, D. T., Gilbert, G. H., Rosenblum, S., … & Ford, G. (2019). Preferences for peer-reviewed versus other publication sources: a survey of general dentists in the National Dental PBRN. Implementation Science, 14(1), 19.
Porter, A.L., Garner, J., Newman, N.C., Carley, S.F., Youtie, J., Kwon, S., Li, Y. (2019), National nanotechnology research prominence, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 31 (1), 25-39
Porter, Alan L. “Data Analytics for Better Informed Technology & Engineering Management” IEEE Engineering Management Review , v.47 , 2019 10.1109/EMR.2019.2928265
Ranaei, S., Souminen, A., Porter, A.L., Carley, S. (2019), Evaluating technological emergence using text analytics: two case technologies and three approaches, Scientometrics 122: 215-247
Solomon, G.E.A., Youtie, J., Carley, S., and Porter, A.L. (2019), What people learn about how people learn: An analysis of citation behavior and the multidisciplinary flow of knowledge, Research Policy 48 (9) 103835;
Suominen, Arho and Peng, Haoshu and Ranaei, Samira “Examining the dynamics of an emerging research network using the case of triboelectric nanogenerators” Technological Forecasting and Social Change , v.146 , 2019 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.10.008
Wang, Z., Porter, A.L., Kwon, S., Youtie, J., Shapira, P., Carley, S.F., and Liu, X. (submitted), Updating a search strategy to track emerging nanotechnologies, Journal of Nanoparticle Research
Wang, Z., Porter, A.L., Kwon, S., Youtie, J., Shapira, P., Carley, S.F., Liu, X. (2019), Updating a search strategy to track emerging nanotechnologies, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 21: article #199;
Wang, Z., Porter, A.L., Wang, X., and Carley, S. (2019), An approach to identify emergent topics of technological convergence: A case study for 3D printing, Technological Forecasting & Social Change 146: 723-732.
Wang, Zhinan and Porter, Alan L. and Kwon, Seokbeom and Youtie, Jan and Shapira, Philip and Carley, Stephen F. and Liu, Xiaoyu “Updating a search strategy to track emerging nanotechnologies” Journal of Nanoparticle Research , v.21 , 2019 10.1007/s11051-019-4627-x
Wang, Zhinan and Porter, Alan L. and Wang, Xuefeng and Carley, Stephen “An approach to identify emergent topics of technological convergence: A case study for 3D printing” Technological Forecasting and Social Change , v.146 , 2019 10.1016/j.techfore.2018.12.015
Youtie, J., Shapira, P., Reinsborough, M., Fisher, R. “Research Network Emergence: Societal Issues in Nanotechnology and the Center for Nanotechnology in Society,” Science and Public Policy, 2019, 46, 1, 126–135.
Yu M, Lu Y, Li Chao, Lin H, Shapira P. More is less? The curvilinear effects of political ties on corporate innovation performance. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2019, 25(6), 1309-1335. [Open Access]
Zhang, Y., Huang, Y., Porter, A.L., Zhang, G., Lu, J. (2019), Discovering and forecasting interactions in big data research: A learning-enhanced bibliometric study, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 146: 795-807;
Zhang, Y., Lu, J., Liu, F., Liu, Q., Porter, A.L., Chen, H., and Zhang, G. (2018). Does deep learning help topic extraction? A kernel k-means clustering method with word embedding, Journal of Informetrics, 12: 1099-1117.
Zhang, Y., Porter, A., Chiavetta, D., Newman, N.C., and Guo, Y. (2019). Forecasting technical emergence: An introduction, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Special Issue.
Zhou, X., Huang, L., Porter, A., Vicente-Gomila, J. M. (2019). Tracing the system transformations and innovation pathways of an emerging technology: solid lipid nanoparticles. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 146: 785-794;
Burmaoglu, S. and Porter, A.L. and Souminen, A. “What is technology emergence? A micro level definition for improving tech mining practice” Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology , v.23 , 2018
Carley, S.F., Newman, N.C., Porter, A.L., and Garner, J. (2018). An indicator of technical emergence, Scientometrics, 115 (1), 35-49;
Li, M., Porter, A.L., and Suominen. (2018). Insights into relationships between disruptive technology/innovation and emerging technology: A bibliometric perspective, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 129, 285-296;
Zhang, Y. and Lu, J. and Liu, F. and Liu, Q. and Porter, A.L. and Chen, H. and Zhang, G. “Does deep learning help topic extraction? A kernel k-means clustering method with word embedding,” Journal of informetrics , v.12 , 2018
Carley, S., Porter, A.L., Rafols, I., Leydesdorff, L., (2017). Visualization of Disciplinary Profiles: Enhanced Science Overlay Maps. Journal of Data and Information Science, 2(3) 68-111. DOI:
Carley, Stephen F., Newman, Nils C., Porter, Alan L., and Garner, Jon G. (2017). A measure of staying power: Is the persistence of emergent concepts more significantly influenced by technical domain or scale? Scientometrics, 111 (3) 2077-2087; doi:10.1007/s11192-017-2342-x.
Hicks, D., Isett, K. & Melkers, J. (2017) Evolving Dental Media: Implications for Evidence Based Dentistry, Journal of Evidence-Based Practice for the Dental Hygienist, Summer 3(2).
Kwon, W., Solomon, G. E. A., Youtie, J., Porter, A.L. (2017). A measure of knowledge flow between specific fields: Implications of interdisciplinarity for impact and funding. PloS one. DOI:
Melkers, J., Hicks, D., Isett, K., Johnson, S., Elliott, J. (2017) Dental Blogs, Podcasts, and Associated Social Media: Descriptive Mapping and Analysis, Journal of Medical Internet Research, (Jul 26); 19(7):e269,
Robinson-Garcia, N., Costas, R., Isett, K., Melkers, J., & Hicks, D. (2017). The unbearable emptiness of tweeting—About journal articles. PloS one, 12(8), e0183551. DOI:
Shapira, P., Kwon, S. & Youtie, J. (2017). Tracking the Emergence of Synthetic Biology. Scientometrics. 112(3), 1439-1469. DOI:
St. Clair, R., Hicks, D. & Isett, K. (2017) An Investigation into the Characteristics of Papers with High Scholarly Citations in Public Administration: The Relativity of Theory and Method, forthcoming in Review of Public Personnel Administration.
Youtie, J., Carley, S., Porter, A. L., & Shapira, P. (2017). Tracking researchers and their outputs: new insights from ORCIDs. Scientometrics, 113(1), 437-453. DOI:
Youtie, J., Solomon, G. E. A., Carley, S., Kwon, S., & Porter, A. L. (2017). Crossing borders: A citation analysis of connections between Cognitive Science and Educational Research… and the fields in between. Research Evaluation. 26(3), 242-255. DOI: